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Meadow Flowers

19th July 2020 _Peacock _Robert's Field

Meadow & Pasture Flowers

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Meadows are areas that are allowed to grow tall and are cut for hay, whereas pasture are areas of grassland that are grazed regularly. If fertilizers are not used and left untouched they make rich ground for flowers. Good pasture grassland can sometimes be found on old common land or steep land where farm machinery can't go.

Limestone/ Chalk Grassland Flowers

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Calcareous grassland is thought to be one of the most ancient grassland which started by woodland clearance during the Mesolithic period, which was the final period of the hunter-gathers . Grazing , traditionally by sheep prevented the scrub woodland growing back. As the soil dried out it made suitable conditions for flowers we see today. This is also one of the richest types of grassland, there can be over 40 species of plants per square metre.

Acid Grassland Flowers

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Acid grassland can be species rich. It can had 25 plant species per square metre. Acid grassland develops when heathland is grazed heavily and the heather disappears. If the grazing is reduced the heather can grow back. Acid grassland is found on open dry sandy soils and is often grazed by rabbits. Good places to see this type of grassland is areas in the New Forest, Dorest and Wealden Heath and Suffolk Sandlings.

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