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Heathland Flowers

11th Sepember 2018_ Budby South Forest S

Wet Heath

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Wet heath usually occurs on acidic nutrient poor sallow peaty or sandy soils. They have slow drainage and are seasonally waterlogged. Wet heath is more species rich than dry heath and has communities of bog mosses, Cross-leaved Heath, Tormentil, Heath-spotted Orchid, Lousewort and Round-leaved Sundews. 

Dry Heath

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Dry Heath occurs on well drained sand or gravel soils and where the water table remains below the soil surface. Dry Heath has communities of Bell Heather, Dwarf Gorse, and Billberry. On Dry Heath on coastal habitats dwarf shrubs like Crowberry, Western Gorse and Cornish Heath occurs. As well as with Sea Campion and Thrift .

Dry & Wet Heath

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Some Heathland flowers can live on both wet and dry soils. These flower mosaic themselves between other specialized plants within the heathland. These included Ling Heather and the rarer Cornish Heath.

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