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Birds of the British Isles

* Select picture for information *

There's such a variety of different birds as they have adapted to the variety of habitats and food available. They have evolved over millions of years for every place. There are astonishingly 620 species of bird in just the UK. World wide scientists think they are between 9,000 to 10,000 species of birds. To do this they have adapted to take advantage of the food and nest sites that their habitat offers. They have plumage patterns to help them hide or attract mates. They also have to withstand the weather and other hardships they face. Some birds get around this problem by migrating to countries that are warmer than there place of birth. The table on below shows the key to were birds are in the different seasons and their migration routes. 


Typical Song Bird Diagram.jpg

Identifying Birds

Identifying a bird is a process using a range of information such as place, habitat, time of year , size and shape of the bird. Other things to think about then trying to identify a bird is colours, markings and the way it flies or moves. It is not necessary to know the anatomy to identify a bird but a little knowledge adds to interest and enjoyment.


Map and Table_ Birds.jpg

The Types of Birds

Below are different groups of birds each group have key features for that group

24th December 2020 _Robin _Allotment _02

Chats and Thrushes

'Chats' are small, quite slender or robin-like birds with fine bills and slender legs.

24th December 2020_ House Sparrow_ Allot

Sparrows, finches and Buntings

20th June 2016 _Red Kites _Gigrin Farm _

Birds of Prey

Birds of prey are hunters also known as raptors that feed on other animals. These birds are perfectly adapted for their diet. Key features include large eyes, powerful talons and sharp curved beaks.



Divers & Grebes

Divers & Grebes are both water birds than have their legs set far back from their body, which gives them efficient paddles to push themselves forward when swimming. They both also have pointed sharp bills for catching fish.

Gulls, Terns and Auks

Gulls, Terns and Auks are closely related seabirds which are mostly black, white or grey.

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